SFTPPlus Release 3.52.0

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.52.0.

New Features

  • You can now configure a redirection URL for any requests made to the Let's Encrypt resource HTTP service that do not match ACME validation requests. This can be used to combine the functionality of the HTTP …

general release

Tue 17 December 2019

SFTPPlus Release 3.51.0

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.51.0.

New Features

  • It is now possible to configure HTTP POST event handlers and HTTP authentication methods with multiple URLs which will act as a fallback. [#1788]
  • You can now configure file transfers to ignore source files older than …

general release

Mon 04 November 2019

SFTPPlus Release 3.50.0

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.50.0.

New Features

  • The embedded Let's Encrypt client now has the option to debug the HTTP ACME protocol. [#5287]
  • It is now possible to install multiple SFTPPlus instances on the same Windows operating system, all operating and active at …

general release

Tue 23 July 2019

SFTPPlus Release 3.49.0

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.49.0.

New Features

  • You can now use PXF / PKCS#12 certificates in SFTPPlus without converting them to the PEM format first. [#2596]
  • The HTTP file transfer server web UI now has dedicated ID for each UI element making it …

general release

Mon 24 June 2019

SFTPPlus Release 3.48.0

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.48.0.

New Features

  • HTTP POST event handler can now be configured to automatically retry on network and HTTP errors. [server-side][http-api] [#2619]
  • It is now possible to configure a file transfer service to emit debugging events for the low-level …

general release

Mon 27 May 2019

SFTPPlus Release 3.47.0

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.47.0.

New Features

  • You can now configure multiple domains for a free Let's Encrypt certificate using the subjectAlternativeName field. [server-side][ftps][https] [#5108]
  • A new event handler of type external-executable was added to execute external scripts or programs. [#5234 …

general release

Thu 11 April 2019

Endpoint FTPS and SFTP server for DWP GFTS

A red floppy disk.

The electronic data interchange (EDI) of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in the United Kingdom can be done via the Generic File Transfer Service (GFTS) gateway.

This article is aimed at companies which need to exchange files and data with the DWP.

For example, as an housing association …


Tue 02 April 2019

SFTPPlus Release 3.46.0

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.46.0.

New Features

  • The HTTP/HTTPS file transfer service now supports downloading multiple files at once as a Zip file. [server-side][web-api][http][https] [#5093]
  • It is now possible to set up password expiration for accounts and groups. [server-side …

general release

Mon 11 March 2019

FTP client uploads with temporary names

A drawer with file tabs.

When closely investigating managed file transfers, pushing a file to a remote FTP server turns out to be just a phase in a series of interlinked processes.

Once the file arrives on the FTPS server, it is read and further processed. The next step might involve downloading the file or …

ftp client-side blog

Thu 21 February 2019

Restrict user with trusted IPs for SFTP and FTPS

Computer security illustration.

It is common practice to secure a file transfer server using firewall rules which only allow incoming connections from trusted partners.

Let's assume you have a US partner named "ACME Inc", connecting to your server from IP using the user acme-inc, and another German partner called …

security blog

Fri 15 February 2019

SFTPPlus Release 3.45.0

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.45.0.

New Features

  • It is now possible for SFTP/SCP clients to change their own password using the SSH command execution service. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5129]
  • It is now possible to transfer files using temporary names, renaming to their …

general release

Thu 14 February 2019

Get email notifications from your FTP and SFTP servers


Email notification article banner

SFTPPlus can connect to any STMP servers and deliver emails based on the activity, actions and events triggered by a file transfer.

With SFTPPlus you can configure the list of recipients (with CC and BCC), email subject and email body.

The email notification can be use for FTPS or …

audit monitoring alerts

Thu 31 January 2019

HTTPS, FTPS, and SFTP with Docker and OpenShift

For some time, we have been maintaining an MIT-licensed GitHub repository to ease the creation and running of SFTPPlus Docker instances.

Whether you are already a customer of ours, or currently evaluating SFTPPlus, head over to our GitHub repository, clone it, then follow the instructions to run an SFTPPlus instance …


Wed 30 January 2019

SFTPPlus Release 3.44.0

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.44.0.

New Features

  • It is now possible to configure the name associated to the sender email address in the email client resource. [#3069]
  • It is now possible for file transfer users to change the password associated with their accounts …

general release

Thu 24 January 2019

SFTPPlus Release 3.43.1

We are announcing the release of SFTPPlus version 3.43.1, which is a bugfix release.

The SFTP client now waits for a maximum of 60 seconds for the server to respond.

In previous versions it was waiting forever, causing transfers to stall if the server never responded to a …

general release

Mon 07 January 2019

Use Let's Encrypt to protect your FTP server

A brief history of FTP (in)security

The FTP protocol as used today was defined in 1985 (RFC 959) based on a design created in 1971.

It was designed without taking security into consideration. All transmissions are in clear text, including username, password, and actual transferred data. All FTP communication …


Fri 04 January 2019