We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.52.0.

New Features

  • You can now configure a redirection URL for any requests made to the Let's Encrypt resource HTTP service that do not match ACME validation requests. This can be used to combine the functionality of the HTTP to HTTPS redirection service with that of the Let's Encrypt client validator. [#5352-1]
  • A new HTTP redirect service is available to help redirect HTTP requests to an HTTPS file transfer service. [server-side][http] [#5352]
  • The FTP/FTPS client will ignore the IP address returned by the server's PASV command and will always use the same IP address for both the control and data channels. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#5362]

Defect Fixes

  • Let's Encrypt resource will now highlight in the Local Manager that a restart is required after changing the address and port configuration. [server-side] [#5352]
  • When upgrading, the existing Windows service is no longer reset and the configured Windows service account is kept between installations. This defect was introduced in SFTPPlus 3.50.0. [windows] [#5358]

You can check the full release notes here.