For some time, we have been maintaining an MIT-licensed GitHub repository to ease the creation and running of SFTPPlus Docker instances.

Whether you are already a customer of ours, or currently evaluating SFTPPlus, head over to our GitHub repository, clone it, then follow the instructions to run an SFTPPlus instance in Docker.

To further aid in quickly trying out a version of SFTPPlus in Docker, we are pleased to announce the creation of a SFTPPlus Docker Hub repo.

Docker Hub banner

To evaluate a dockerized FTPS and SFTP server with minimum effort, you can now simply pull from Docker Hub our latest trial image with a single command:

docker pull proatria/sftpplus-trial:latest

Note that the latest tag is based on Ubuntu Server 20.04.

Also note the Docker Hub repository only contains evaluation versions. For production use, you will also want to change the configuration to meet your requirements.

To build your own Docker image, check the scripts and instructions used to build the evaluation images in our aforementioned GitHub repo.

A similar command can be used to deploy the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 / Oracle Linux 8 / CentOS 8 images pushed to Docker Hub. Note that you probably need to replace 4.7.0 with your targeted SFTPPlus version, usually the latest one:

docker pull proatria/sftpplus-trial:4.7.0-rhel8

To offer a Docker image with minimal disk size, our Docker Hub repository also covers Alpine Linux, a distribution for "power users who appreciate security, simplicity and resource efficiency". To get the Alpine Linux 3.12 image for evaluating SFTPPlus version 4.7.0:

docker pull proatria/sftpplus-trial:4.7.0-alpine312
OpenShift banner

Our Dockerfile and the images derived from it do not require running the process as root inside the container. Therefore, you can deploy them in OpenShift with a single command as well:

oc new-app proatria/sftpplus-trial:latest

A users guide for deploying SFTPPlus with Docker containers is available in our Docker documentation page.