We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 4.12.0.

This is an incremental release which included both minor defect fixes and new functionality. Below are the complete changes for this release.

New Features

  • The source_ip_filter configuration option now allows defining a range of allowed IP addresses using the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. [#1044]
  • When a new component is created using the Local Manager interface, the component is automatically started if "Launch at startup" is enabled. [local-manager] [#1917]
  • WebDAVS locations now support HTTP Basic Authentication. [client-side][webdavs][https] [#3913]
  • SFTPPlus can now be launched with a read-only configuration file and cache. [server-side] [#5591]
  • Azure Files Locations now support automatic directory creation. [client-side][http] [#5593]
  • The account configuration now contains the account creation time in ISO format. [server-side] [#5635]
  • TOTP multi-factor authentication for LDAP users is now possible even with standard LDAP servers not providing native TOTP support. [#5663]
  • The SFTPPlus download page now has specific entries for Amazon Linux and older Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions. These entries link to the generic Linux SFTPPlus package, which works with any glibc-based Linux distribution. [#5664]

Defect Fixes

  • The "Enabled at startup" configuration option was renamed as "Launch at startup". [local-manager] [#1917]
  • The last login report now only shows the IP address, the port number is no longer shown. This makes it easier to search based on IP only. [#5637]
  • Event with ID 60070 emitted when the destination location is connecting and not yet ready for a transfer, was updated from the failure group to the informational one. [#5643]

Deprecations and Removals

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 and 12 on X86_64 are no longer supported. Use the generic Linux package on SLES and contact us if you need specific support for SFTPPlus on any version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, including using OS-provided OpenSSL libraries instead of our generic ones. [#5664]

You can check the full release notes here.