We are pleased to announce the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.30.0.

New Features

  • It is now possible to dynamically dispatch files to different destinations based on the name of the file which was dispatched. [#4555]
  • The HTTP authentication method can now send requests which are authenticated using the HTTP Basic authentication (BA) method. [#4589-1]
  • The HTTP event handler can now send requests which are authenticated using the HTTP Basic authentication (BA) method. [#4589]
  • The file-dispatcher event handler now has the capability to delete files. [client-side] [#4624]
  • You can now configure an account to amend the requested file for an upload by prefixing it with a universally unique identifier (UUID4). This option is available for the SFTP and SCP protocols. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#4643]

Deprecations and Removals

  • The ${SHAREPOINT_CA} and ${SHAREPOINT_CRL} placeholders were replaced by the more inclusive ${MICROSOFT_IT_CA} and ${MICROSOFT_IT_CRL}. The ${SHAREPOINT_CA} and ${SHAREPOINT_CRL} placeholders will continue to be available as an alias for Microsoft IT CA. [#4625]

You can check the full release notes.