We are pleased to announce the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.26.0.

New Features

  • It is now possible for the LDAP authentication to accept a direct username. In this way you, can leverage the Active Directory implementation and authentication using the User Principal Name (UPN). [server-side] [#4352]

Defect Fixes

  • An internal server error is no longer emitted for long uploads taking more than 15 minutes to complete over HTTP/HTTPS. [server-side][http][https] [#2533]
  • Stopping the SFTPPlus during a transfer which is pending a reconnection, the stop procedure is no longer delayed until all reconnection retries are exhausted. [client-side] [#2656]
  • The WebDAV location will detect changes into folders, when the letter cases in the configured path does not match the cases on the server. [client-side][http][https] [#3945-1]
  • The WebDAV location can now get members and attributes for paths containing the + (plus) character, as well as detecting changes into folders with such names. [client-side][http][https] [#3945]
  • When the destination of a transfer is changed, the Local Manager will not mark the transfer as requiring a restart. Unless the transfer is restarted, the files are transferred using the destination defined a start time. [client-side] [#4245]
  • The event with ID 10079 was updated to show the reason of the failure. [ftp][ftps][server-side] [#4326]
  • The references to recursive transfers were removed, as recursive transfers are not yet supported. Recursive transfers were never supported, and we have accidentally referenced them in the documentation and the administration UI. [client-side] [#4367]

Deprecations and Removals

  • Support for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2003 was removed. If you are still using these operating systems, please get in touch with us. [#3415]
  • Events with IDs 30009, 30010 and 30066 were replaced by the generic event with ID 30008. [server-side][sftp] [#4326]

You can check the full release notes.