
5.4. Services

5.4.1. Listening on ports below 1024 on Linux and macOS

Under normal circumstances, the default configuration for a Unix-like operating system is to only allow the root account to listen on ports below 1024.

Yet, with extra configuration it is possible for normal (non-root) accounts to listen to ports below 1024.

One generic method which works on any Unix-like system is to set up SFTPPlus to listen on a port above 1024 and then set up port-forwarding in the firewall configuration.

Another method is to use the privileges framework provided by some operating systems. The required configuration is specific to each OS that has such a feature. In this section, our goal is to guide you through this configuration process. We do not aim to provide a comprehensive documentation for each operating system. For more details, please consult the dedicated documentation available for your Linux distribution or macOS version.


Some operating systems don’t provide any fine grained permissions configuration, so using the port-forwarding is the only option.

In the case in which you know how to configure macOS to listen on a port below 1024 without firewall redirection, please let us know and we will improve this documentation. Linux

The method based on which a non-root user is granted permissions to listen on port 1024 is called capabilities and cap_net_bind_service is the capability which controls the port listening permissions.

For more details, please see man 7 capabilities on your operating system.

The capabilities are associated to a process and a dedicated command line tool is required to configure the capabilities for a process.

On some Linux distributions, you might need to install an extra package to have these tools available.

To allow the SFTPPlus process to listen on ports below 1024, the command will look similar to the following example:

$ sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' SFTPPLUS_INSTALL_PATH/bin/python

You can then start SFTPPlus as non-root user and listen on ports below 1024. macOS

The method used is port-forwarding using pf.

Set up SFTPPlus to listen on a port above 1024 and configure the port forwarding.

We will use the loopback interface to keep things simple, but you should adapt and extend these firewall rules to account for your own local configuration: different network interfaces, IPs and other network traffic rules.

Step-by-step instructions on how to forward port 122 to 10022:

Create a pf anchor file for sftpplus in /etc/pf.anchors/sftpplus
with the following contents:
    rdr pass on lo0 inet proto tcp from any to
    port = 122 -> port 10022
    (note the above 2 lines go into only one line, it has been
    split here for better readability)

Reference anchor in /etc/pf.conf, add:
    rdr-anchor "sftpplus"
    load anchor "sftpplus" from "/etc/pf.anchors/sftpplus"

Enable and reload pf manually:
    $ sudo pfctl -ef /etc/pf.conf

Note: Updates to the OS may override the pf.conf file, make sure to
make a backup of it.

5.4.2. Removing services while server is running

A service can be removed while the server is running, without affecting the other available services.

This can be done via the Local Manager.

When a service is removed and the service has been running, it is automatically stopped.