Client Documentation

Start Page 2. Installation and upgrade instructions 2.3. Linux and UNIX installation

2.3. Linux and UNIX installation

SFTPPlus Client is distributed as a self contained archive and has no external dependencies.

To install the SFTPPlus Client, extract the SFTPPlus Client distributable archive and place the extracted files into:


The file /opt/SFTPPlus-client/rc.SFTPPlus is provided as a template for creating startup initialization script for launching the SFTPPlus Client.

If there is no previous global.conf file, this is a new installation, you need to rename global.conf.sample to global.conf.

2.3.1. Client folder structure

  • / contains global configurations
  • /archive folder where transfered files and logs are moved
  • /bin contains client operational commands
  • /conf stores transfer definitions files
  • /failed stores failed transfers
  • /inbox default folder used by SFTPPlus Client to get or put files
  • /outbox temporary folder from where files are sent
  • /retry folder where failed transfer should be moved to retry the transfer

2.3.2. Uninstall SFTPPlus Client

To uninstall remove the initialization script and symbolic links that are pointing to it, then delete the installation folder.